Robson Valley Septic and Water Hauling

Serving Dome Creek to McBride to Dunster to Valemount to Albreda and Beyond!!
(250)-569-7812 – (250)-569-7675 – (250)-569-7740
Darrell & Diane & Adam Roth
Email –
Please make cheques to D&D Ventures – Box 964 – McBride, BC – V0J 2E0
Welcome to our Web Page!!
We clean and service septic tanks, holding tanks and outhouses!!
We’ve even deepened wells and sucked up sand!!
I’m sure we could do a good job of sucking out the air from a pile of silage bales!!
Spreading liquid animal manure on your fields can be done as well!!
We also have a large water tank rigged on a tandem truck for forest fire fighting!!
In conjunction with the vac truck we can make a slurry of solids for pumping!!
Use your imagination and see if our vac truck and water truck can help you!!
Also… Porta Potty Rentals
for Family Reunions, Home Weddings and Construction Sites!!
Daily, Weekly and Monthly Rentals!!
Porta Potty Rental Rates
$200.00/unit for up to a week
$300/unit up to 2 weeks
$400/unit up to 4 weeks
There is no delivery fee for potties needed in McBride or Valemount if we can schedule delivery and pickup at our convenience.
Travel will be charged for deliveries beyond.
Hourly rates will apply if we cannot schedule for our convenience.
Note – Our long term rentals are kept very clean and fresh with complete wiping of seats and walls and scrubbing of floors.
Our customers are always happy with our service!!
“When should I get my septic tank pumped out?”
“What’s it gonna cost?”
“My tub won’t drain…?”
Here’s a few Questions and Answers and Advice…
(Please read the note about tank access at the bottom of this page!!)
Q – How often should my septic tank be pumped out?
A – Most families of 4 can feel pretty safe getting cleaned out every 3 to 5 years. If you have a lot of company then it would be safer to be serviced every 3 years. If you run a B&B then it would be a good idea to get your tank pumped out every year. It depends on use.
NOTE – A healthy system should develop a crust on top. There should be liquid under the crust and at the bottom of the tank should be some sludge where the decomposition takes place.
Q – How thick should the crust get before our tank needs to be pumped out?
A – When the crust is 4 to 6 inches you should be getting booked in for a pump out.
Q – Should we use a septic bacterial additive in our tank?
A – NO!! A good system does not need anything added. The bacteria that naturally occurs is usually good. Bacterial additives can cause the crust to sink and result in the entire tank to be filled with sludge. Without a crust to measure it is not easy to tell when you need a pump out. When you look into the tank you will only see water. It makes it hard to see the condition of your tank. This sludge can also work its way into parts of your septic system where it doesn’t belong. If you have been using an additive you should get your tank pumped out and stop adding a bacterial agent. It’s not necessary but flushing a few meat scrapes down every month can be healthy for your system. The skin from a raw chicken would be enough.
PLEASE LIMIT YOUR USE OF BLEACH!! Too much bleach can kill your good bacteria causing your tank to fill with solids faster.
Q – Is there anything we shouldn’t put into our septic system?
A – Scrape excessive grease, oil and lard from your cookware and dishes. It’s pretty simple. Just remember the good “bugs” and treat them the best you can!! There’s not much that your system can’t handle. If you operate a laundry service you should get serviced more often to ensure soap doesn’t build up and cause you trouble.
Q – How much does it cost to get our septic tank pumped out?
A – We charge $300.00 for most septic tanks in the Robson Valley. Plus a $100.00 (McBride) or $40/cubic meter to dump in Valemount (plus gst). We can hold 1,850 gallons (8 cubic meters) on the truck. If you have an oversized tank it will cost more. We charge $180/hour for extra work, complications or emergency jobs.
NOTE – We charge a MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000.00) if we get called out on Christmas morning just because you didn’t get serviced before winter!! (This fee will not be charged to our responsible customers!!)
Q – How do I pay?
A – Cash, Cheque (Made to – D&D Ventures), E-transfer or Credit Card.
Note – We might even consider trade for firewood or other things you think we might need….
BACK-UPS… Ya Gotta Love ‘em!!
Blockages – A wad of paper, grease or a toy can sometimes get jammed in the end of the sewer pipe that enters the septic tank. This can happen at anytime. If your tank has been pumped out on a regular schedule it may not be necessary to be pumped out again. It may be a simple matter of poking a stick through the “T” at the inlet of your pipe to clear the blockage.
Filters – Have you cleaned your outlet filter? Newer systems have a filter on the exit line of the septic tank. It is supposed to be lifted out and washed every year. If it is plugged it will cause your system to back up.
Overdue for a Pump Out – If your septic tank is overdue for a pump out you will back up. When you are overdue for a pump out you will usually start to experience slow draining. Eventually you will be plugged.
Freeze Ups – If it’s possible snow should be left undisturbed over all septic lines for the insulation value. Driving over sewer or water lines can drive down the frost and freeze up your system.
Spring Problems – Snow melt and frozen ground can sometimes saturate your drain field in the spring. Usually a pump out will give you the required time for spring to “drain away”. Limit your water use at this time. Or just wait for a week or 2 and the problem will likely go away. A good time to pretend you’re a pioneer in the bush!!
Many tanks in the Robson Valley have access lids buried in the ground with the understanding it will prevent frozen tanks. This is not necessary!! We recommend manhole access be installed on all septic tanks to allow proper cleaning and maintenance. If you are concerned about frost an insulated lid will do the job. Newer tanks and many older tanks have a manhole at each end of the tank for easy access to the inlet and outlet sewer lines. Ground level access should be installed for each end of the tank if possible.
Never dig again!! If you need to shovel or hire an excavator to gain access to your tank do it for the last time!! Once your tank is open please install a collar and lid up to the ground level so you can open your tank conveniently forever. Easy to check!! Easy to clean!! No more digging!!
Supplies are available at our local Robson Valley hardware stores.
Safety – Lids need to be kid and animal proof!! Lids can be proper concrete lids or manufactured poly and fibreglass with screws to hold them in place. Homemade wooden lids (treated lumber) can be held in place with screws.
Note – If your lid is made of wood please use good washers so the screws don’t sink into an impossible-to-undo condition.
Ground Level Access Lids – Ground level access lids allow you to drive your lawnmower right over. They make a great place for a potted plant or lawn ornament. Wishing wells are very difficult to move off for septic cleaning.
Thank You for taking the time to read this information!!
If there is anything we can help you with please call!!
Darrell & Diane & Adam Roth
D&D Ventures
Operating Robson Valley Septic and Water Hauling
Serving Dome Creek to McBride to Dunster to Valemount to Albreda and Beyond!!
(250)-569-7812 – (250)-569-7675 – (250)-569-7740
Email –
Please make cheques to
D&D Ventures
Box 964
McBride, BC
V0J 2E0